
A list of recent(ish) and likely unmaintained side-projects


After reading Hyperfocus I started to build a habit fo brain dumping throughout the day to clear space for actual thinking. It worked a treat, however, my notes editor did't feel like the right place to add those brain dumps. I wanted something simple but something that could reference previous thoughts and link to articles in a visually pleasing way. So I spent the afternoon building Stream and then added Google Auth so that my tens of Twitter followers could try it too.

Checkout Stream

JavaScript to Ruby compiler

Turning the best language in the world into the second best. This came into existence when I was bored one evening and had just read 'The Super Tiny Compiler'. I had also just started at Shopify , so was learning Ruby and thought what better way to learn a language than to try and get JS to compile to it. It turns out there are better ways. Far better ways. This was a fun project nonetheless and I really should finish it.

Checkout JavaScript to Ruby compiler